Locasaurus' portfolio

Hello and welcome to our Dino Land! What a pleasure to see you venturing in here.We're a pack of passionate professional French translators specialized in video game localization.We believe that indie games are the best thing ever and everyone should get a chance to play them, no matter the language. This is why we offer our services to bring your game to the French audience with a top-notch quality translation.We also believe that every game deserve to be played all around the world, which is why we offer our services voluntarily if your game is free.Your games are in good paws with the dinos!

Collective work

A list of games previously or currently localized by the dinos.

Solo work

Sometimes our dinos wander on their own into the world of localization, when they're not tied down by evil NDAs!

A very warm thank you to Kayi for the banner and hatching dino eggs and to Zaksheuskaya for the background.